be part of the team
officer job descriptions
chairperson: act as the primary executive officer and preside over all deliberations and activities of the association. The chair, co-chair or their designated alternatives shall be the official spokesperson of the association.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Prepare meeting and have organized agenda.
Be an expert of the by-laws.
Encourage participation from all meeting attendees.
Leads orderly discussions by enforcing rules that offer all members the ability to participate
Keep the meeting on the topic and within time frame allotted.
Mediate disagreements among members.
Lead voting efforts.
Ensure that bylaws are followed
Determines if enough members are present to form a quorum.
Implement parliamentary procedures, protocols, incorporate “Roberts Rules of Order ” when needed.
Clarify all decisions made by the group.
Votes only to break a tie.
Serves as spokesperson at events relating to neighborhood.
Co-chairperson: Shall assist the chairperson in all duties and perform the functions of the chair during their absence, and perform other duties as required.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Organize various committees.
Assist president/chair in setting the agenda.
Understand the by-laws.
Be able to assume president responsibilities and step in when needed.
secretary / treasurer: shall act in conjunction with the other officers; keep minutes of all association and executive board meetings; notify members of meetings and activities in advance; and maintain the financial records of the association.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Take all minutes for the meeting.
Organize all record keeping.
Keep information accessible.
Make sure that information has duplicate copies or redundancies in case original files are lost.
Keep record of all correspondence with city officials.
Prepare meeting notices.
Organize neighborhood directory and keep updated with new neighbor contact info
Oversee the neighborhood newsletter.
Keep monthly records of available funds.
Oversee all approved expenditures.
Coordinate annual proposed budgets.
Present written reports for every meeting with balance on hand.
Prepare all tax documents in accordance to state law and IRS regulations.
Oversee the banking relationship and handle all bank transactions.
newsletter editor: shall act in conjunction with the other officers.
duties & responsibilities:
newsletter content
maintaining the newsletter within city guidelines
officers are elected annually at the july association meeting. officers are limited to two (2) consecutive terms of service in a particular position and a total of four (4) consecutive terms of service on the executive board.
if you are interested in any of these positions, please contact our officers here.
Read the harney heights bylaws